Reconciliation Forums

Reconciliation requires relationship!  Saying prayers and preaching sermons are good, but there’s more.  We must put legs to our prayers and put our preaching into practice!  In short – we must get to know one another!   
It’s only as we know one another, and we are known by others, that reconciliation happens.  Relationship-building, especially with folks racially different than us, call us to humility, honesty, and perseverance.  It’s about loving enough to listen and learn, so our loves for others can grow. 
We’ve found that small groups are excellent for this kind of relationship building, We call them Reconciliation Forums.  This is a small, multi-ethnic group of people who meet regularly to listen and learn from one another, to pray together and share a meal, and to become allies and advocates in the pursuit of biblical reconciliation and holy justice.  We walk our talk! 
This is the foundation of our work.  We want to multiply Reconciliation Forums in local churches as a tangible demonstration of the Gospel in our communities. 

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