This is a 1-day interactive workshop that is facilitated by Dr. Alvin Sanders, author of the book by the same title. In our polarized society, it’s easy to argue the issues and scream at the problems. We want to educate and equip ourselves as a coalition of reconcilers who offer solutions. This workshop will help us deepen our awareness of the issues, educate us to address them better, and equip us to step in and work together toward reconciliation, oneness, and justice. We want leaders who are smart, Gospel-centered allies and advocates in the ministry of reconciliation in their churches and communities. This workshop helps us get there! Come and bring your team.
The workshop features presentations by Dr. Sanders, each followed by table-group discussion and large group “learning community” conversations. We will be focusing on …
- Ethnic Borders
- Racialization
- Unintentionality
- Sustainable Performance
- Ethnic Change & Spiritual Growth
- Putting It All Together
Alvin believes the church is facing a chairos moment – the right time – to address the issue of ethnic division and tension within the church. He offers a “how-to” resource for Pastors and church leaders to lead their congregations in a majority-minority, multi-ethnic America. Click here to learn more about Dr. Sanders.